Gaining trust & prestige! From client chain world wide including around Europe, Middle East, Asia etc. ALO SEAFOOD brand name was highly appreciated as one of the great robust & reliability supplier in seafood field, dealing with variety range of species from Vietnam. Especially products made from Pangasius and various kinds of sea and river fishes... under our aim, and competitive advantages must be the right source for your searching criteria, typically as:
“ Premium good quality”
strictly controlled under our QC Staff approximate more than 10 years experiences averagely, operation standard base on ISO 9001:2000, HACCP Certificate
“ Most competitive quotation ”
Hence, we take all advantages and update continuously market news to offer clients the best quotation we have.
“ Beside you always ”
This is not only our slogan but also what we bear in mind to serve our clients.
Gaining trust & prestige! From client chain world wide including around Europe, Middle East, Asia etc.
Pangasius whole round
Latin name: Pangasius hypopthalmus
Size (gr/pc): 300-500, 500-800 and 800-up
Pangasius HGT
head off, gutted
Latin name: Pangasius hypopthalmus
Size: 300-500, 500-800 and 800-up
Pangasius fillet
well trimmed, belly off, fat off, red meat off, skinless.
Latin name: Pangasius hypopthalmus
Size (gr/pc): 80-120, 120-170, 170-220, 200-300, 300-500 and 500-up
Pangasius fillet
untrimmed, belly on, fat on, red meat, on, skinless, boneless
Latin name: Pangasius hypopthalmus
Size (gr/pc): 170-220, 200-300, 300-500 and 500-up
In season