Pangasius HGT
head off, gutted
Latin name: Pangasius hypopthalmus
Size: 300-500, 500-800 and 800-up
Pangasius whole round
Latin name: Pangasius hypopthalmus
Size (gr/pc): 300-500, 500-800 and 800-up
Pangasius fillet
untrimmed, belly on, fat on, red meat, on, skinless, boneless
Latin name: Pangasius hypopthalmus
Size (gr/pc): 170-220, 200-300, 300-500 and 500-up
In season -
Pangasius fillet
well trimmed, belly off, fat off, red meat off, skinless.
Latin name: Pangasius hypopthalmus
Size (gr/pc): 80-120, 120-170, 170-220, 200-300, 300-500 and 500-up